Alex and I made the commitment a while ago to cloth diaper our baby. It's kind of a big investment up front but in the long run we'll end up saving a lot of money. Cloth diapering really isn't as bad as people think it is. Cloth diapers have come a long way since your grandma's day. They're so cute and easy to use. So far we've purchased some BumGenius 4.0's, FuzziBunz, and a few Bummis fitted diapers with Rumparooz covers for when he's teeny tiny. If you're not familiar with cloth diapers that probably sounds like a bunch of gibberish but I think it's a pretty good stash. I've done a LOT of research and I've asked friends who cloth diaper their kids and these seem to be the favorites.
The basic main reasons we want to cloth diaper are because:
- We will end up saving a lot of money on diapers over the years...considering these diapers last from birth until potty-trained and you can use them on multiple kids.
- Diaper rashes seem to be a lot less common with cloth vs. disposable.
- Potty training seems to be easier with cloth vs. disposable because cloth doesn't wick away moisture in the same way and kids learn to associate the feeling of wetness as uncomfortable and will want to use the toilet.
- They are seriously adorable with all the fun colors and patterns! :-)
Last Sunday Alex and I went to a local baby shop and took a free class on cloth diapering. I'm so glad we went because all the online research in the world doesn't compare to talking with someone face to face about this stuff. There are so many options out there, it can get confusing. Taking this class really cleared up a lot of the confusion for me and I feel really ready now to cloth diaper.
Although we have a good variety of cloth diapers we still need to buy more because we only have a few of each. I hear you need a decent sized stash, at least 30-35 diapers, to not have to be doing round-the-clock washing. We also still need to purchase some wetbags, detergent, and cloth wipes to really be ready. I imagine we'll use disposables sometimes. I'm thinking maybe for the first couple weeks of Liam's life and every once in a while if it's convenient, but I'm determined to cloth diaper practically full-time. And thankfully so is Alex. He's very supportive and I think just as excited as I am about this.
Here are a few online resources I have found very helpful in my research on cloth diapers. Let me know if you have any questions. Granted I haven't started yet, seeing as Liam is still in the womb. I'm sure I'll learn a lot more once he's actually here and we establish a routine and system that works best for us.
- Cloth Diapers by JenLovesKev
- The Much Requested Cloth Diaper Post by YoungHouseLove
- Cloth Diapering 101 by dearbaby
- Cloth Diapering 102 by dearbaby
- All About Cloth Diapers