Monday, May 05, 2008

spray painted hearts

For a little less than a year now I've been noticing these hearts all around Miami. I see them everywhere...spray painted in various parts of the city. Kendall, South Miami, the Gables...everywhere! 

I'm convinced that there's some hopeless romantic delinquent running around Miami at the wee hours of the morning spray painting hearts to show their affections for their one and only. Picture's great. 

Has anyone else seen these? Take a look around, they're everywhere. 
Let me know any interesting theories you might have on where these things come from...


Lauren said...

So I see you appreciate my artistic
Sorry I haven't really noticed it but I'm sure I will now.

Lauren said...

So I see you appreciate my artistic
Sorry I haven't really noticed it but I'm sure I will now.

Brigitte said...

Haven't seen 'em...but I will be looking now that you mention it. In Prague there was the same thing! Red hearts spray painted everywhere! I have a picture of one too --->

Anonymous said...

i actually have seen them..a couple times.

i think its pretty cool..i wish we knew the real story behind them all.

Jescel said...

are you sure you're not just seeing hearts kristel... boy, what an effect alex has on you! lol!.. (it's a pretty cool painting, but it still doesnt make it right).