Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last First Day

Spring semester started today. I had a looong day. 9am-6:20pm. And I'm with the same professor, in the same building all day long. Good thing, I like this professor!

I'm excited for my final semester at seminary. I'm taking six classes. (I know, crazy!)

  • Old Testament II
  • Counseling Individuals with Addictions
  • Intro to the Great Commission
  • Intro to the Cooperative Program
  • Counseling Practicum II
  • Case Conference
It sounds like a lot of work, but I'm really not too worried about it. I know that God will sustain me and I will be able to get all the work done. In just four months I'll be walking across the stage in Binkley Chapel wearing a funny hat and robe.

So just pray that I remain diligent with my school work, please! No procrastinating! Or at least not much of it. ;-)

Hope everyone else at SEBTS had a great start to the semester.

P.S. Actually I will have to take one more class over the summer to be officially done with my degree, but the point is I'm walking in May and one little 2-week course over the summer will be a cinch. ;-)


Michelle said...

I'm so impressed that you're finishing up in 2 years! It took me 3 for a 63-hour degree! Good luck this semester!

fasha comeback again said...

Droping by to say hi.. :) I have new post in section news..Read.. Thanks :)
follow my blog..
follow my blog..
follow my blog please

Krista said...

You'll be fine. Just keep the end in mind. Love.