Monday, May 09, 2011

Mom-To-Be Day

I love my husband because he celebrated yesterday as my first Mother's Day. Even though we still have a few months to go until Liam arrives he figures I'm already a mom because I am caring for our baby each and every day. What a guy.

So we had a great day of waking up way too early (6:40am! What were we thinking?!), opening cards and a gift, eating a delicious breakfast at Snooze, a trip to the dog park, and relaxing at home. We bought a dresser for Liam's room at a thrift store. It's in pretty good shape so Alex is just sanding down the top and we will paint it. He started the sanding process yesterday, it looks tough but it's a labor of love. We also went to church in the evening and had dinner with everyone at Wahoo's. I love our weekly dinners.

It was a great first Mother's Day and I can't wait until next year when I can hold Liam in my arms.

The original Mildred Pierce. It was good! I want to see the Kate Winslet version to see how it measures up. 

Also, Alex made a mini-documentary about my pregnancy. He wanted to get in some practice on doing video and this is what he came up with. I really love it. The very end brought a little tear to my eye. Check out the video on his blog and leave a comment letting him know what you think. 

Sorry the pictures look so fuzzy...I didn't take the time to properly size them for the bad! I'm still recovering from an awesome Mother's Day yesterday so I figure it's okay to cut a few corners. ;-)


Megan Barley said...

what a great post! Alex's video is awesome too, and yes...i got teary too : )

6:40.....that is still so funny to me!

mom said...

I'm so glad for you. Alex is a great husband. He is so full of energy too. Amazing!