Monday, November 08, 2010

Thad Cockrell // Leagues

Leagues at Vintage 21 24
Thad Cockrell's "To Be Loved" record is one of my very favorites.
I don't know how else to describe the music except to say that it's beautiful. It has that great Nashville sound that I love so much.

I'd seen him play live before but only in a "worship" setting, never his own songs from his album. So when I heard that he would be playing a free show at Vintage21 on Saturday, well, I couldn't miss it. He has started a new band called Leagues. The first half of the set they played Thad's solo stuff and the second half they played new music that they are getting to record soon. The new music sounded great and I can't wait to buy their new record.

Leagues at Vintage 21 3
Leagues at Vintage 21 16
Leagues at Vintage 21 25
Leagues at Vintage 21 40

**All photos shot and edited by the very talented Alex Acevedo**

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