Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Project 100

I have spoken to several people personally about this project, but I also wanted to do a blog post about it.
You all should know by now that Alex and I are part of a church planting team on our way to Denver, CO. We will be taking a trip out there in January as a team to scope out the city (Alex and I have never been there!) and learn more about Denver.

I am beyond excited about this trip and am thankful for the opportunity. So here comes our first goal for this trip: We need prayer! Specifically we would like to have at least 100 people praying for this trip. We need God's grace and guidance as we travel out there. Here are three specific areas you can be praying for:

  • Location: Denver is a pretty big city. We would like to find a specific location to focus our efforts on and plant our lives in. We need God's guidance to lead us.
  • Link: We would like to connect with other gospel-centered churches in the Denver area for the purpose of doing ministry together.
  • Love: We want to grow in love for this city. This is especially true for Alex and me. While we are excited to go to Denver and can't wait to move there, we don't really have a deep love for the city, we've never even been there. We all want to love Denver and the people of Denver and the culture of Denver.
I still plan on speaking with many of you personally about this goal and how you can pray for us. As I've mentioned in previous posts, school is crazy right now, but I am excited to speak with all of you about our January trip and obtain your commitment to praying for us. And if you get impatient, go ahead and give me a call or shoot me an email. ;-)

In the mean time, sign up for our newsletter here and follow us on Twitter here.


Merari said...

Prayin' for ya'll! <3

Anonymous said...

My aunt lives in Denver! (my cousin Vince-you may remember him...)

I'll be praying!

Unknown said...

You've been on my heart and in my prayers. What an exciting, sacred adventure!
Continuing to pray,
~Katrina Romanello

Allen Skipper said...

I am praying!