Saturday, December 04, 2010

Goodbye Raleigh

Friends! I have neglected the blog but only because we've been so busy moving. Thanks to the help of many friends we are all packed up and our stuff is on its way to Denver as I type this.
As for the three of us, we have arrived safely in Miami after driving all night long. We were greeted by my smiling Abuelita and a plate of delicious goodness.

Thanks to all for your prayers, help, and support throughout this crazy transition. I'm really going to miss North Carolina. We met some amazing people who have changed our lives forever. Please, let's keep in touch forever and forever. And come visit us in Denver. :-)

Now to continue napping...seriously, it was a long drive.


Elienai+1 said...

Sooo excited for your move! It's going to be great! and that food looks yummy... I eat all the time now! hahah

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely! :)