Friday, September 10, 2010

At The Dog Park

It's no secret that I'm pretty much in love with our Jaxon.
Every time I see him I can't help but smile. He's the absolute cutest dog that I've ever seen.
I'm sure if/when you meet him, you will instantly agree. Unless, of course, you have a pooch of your own that you are smitten with. In that case, I can understand if Jaxon comes in second in your hearts. But as for me, Jaxon is top dog.

We haven't taken him to the dog park too much because he has some doggie aggression issues. It's kind of hit or miss. Some dogs he's fine with, other dogs he goes crazy and starts barking and lunging. Scary!

A couple weeks ago we took a chance and visited the Flaherty Dog Park. When we first arrived there was no one else there so Jaxon had the whole park to himself. Soon, however, two other dogs arrived. We allowed Jaxon to get close to them using the fence as a barrier. He seemed to be doing okay so we brought him to the other side of the fence so he could run and play with the other dogs. And he did great! He did snap at one of the dogs once, but other than that there were no incidents. It made my heart so happy to see him playing with other dogs.

This week is the official start of Jaxon's obedience training at Teamworks. Hopefully we'll learn how to handle his little outbursts better so that he can have a lot of doggie friends around the neighborhood. Pray for us!


Lauren said...

it makes me happy to see how much you love your Jaxon..can't wait to meet that lovable pooch.

Krista said...

We're praying.

Ashley M said...

I can't wait to hear how the classes go at Teamworks. There are a few things I would like Tucker to be better at! Good luck!

Shannon said...

if you're still moving to denver, you'll love having a dog here! he's cute...he'll make lots of friends :)